Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pick Up Vermont: Faux Super Bowl Ad:Quarterback sneak-litter

                                            THE BLITZ IS ON.

Litter is an All-Season Sport.
Drop a piece of trash, you lose a point. Pick up a piece of littered trash; you gain a point.

Other All Season Sport postings:
      Ø  Cup-O-Rama


  1. Hi Bernie! I added your blog to my list as well. Thanks for your consistent trash collecting as well as for your interesting posts! I enjoy reading them!

  2. I applaud your campaign, Bernie! People need to make the connection between the litter they drop on the streets and the catastrophic problem of plastic pollution in the oceans! As soon as the garbage you toss onto the ground -- no matter how far from the ocean you live -- goes into the gutter and down the storm drain, it enters the water stream and is on its way into the ocean. Just keep thinking to yourself: That plastic bottle cap in Chris Jordan's picture of the dead albatross could be MINE! Then stoop and pick up the next piece of litter you see!

  3. I applaud your campaign, Bernie! People need to make the connection between the garbage they drop on the street and the catastrophic problem of plastic pollution in the word's oceans. As soon as any piece of plastic litter falls into the gutter and is washed down the storm drain, it is on its way to the ocean. Just keep thinking: That bottle cap in the belly of Chris Jordan's dead albatross could be mine! And then pick up the next piece of garbage you see.
