Friday, January 3, 2025

F-35's Break Through Chamberlin Community Barrier in South Burlington, VT. Full Story yet to be told.


Just as a boundary of settlements could buffer a Rainforest against waves of outsiders moving in, so too on the inverse could a boundary of a neighborhood act as a buffer against runways for airplanes from embroiling surrounding neighborhoods, towns, and cities. 

The Chamberlin neighborhood, a quiet, close-knit neighborhood built up mostly from the 1950s through roughly 1990s, provided such a boundary until, as the fate of bowling pins blocking a lane, the installation of F-35 Fighter Jets at the airport rolled down the tarmac and decimated the wood-framed houses - many built from old-growth forest trees. 

Once this buffer was flattened, bulldozed, hauled away, and cellar holes buried with no tombstones in place to mark the history of the people who lived there, the sound barrier, previously a curtain, became an open window. 

The lion’s roar was no longer secluded nor fenced inside the forest. 


Many photos are available of the houses reminiscent of a western ghost town, as well as photos of the structures later being torn down. 

What is missing are the stories of the people who previously had lived in harmony with the airport before the deafening, thunderous, roaring, cacophonous military airplanes breached the "threshold" or "permissible exposure limit” (PEL) expelling many from the

Chamberlin School District and encroaching well into the surrounding cities and towns with unbridled tenacity. 

Underneath the barrage of jet engines directly overhead, are faint voices which, when and if gathered, might stand testament to what was a fortress akin to Fort Sumter - where the first shots of the Civil War were fired.

 The sound of the jets breached their voices and now override many others. 

Who will gather and tell the stories whereby these historical photos might give support to a picture of a close-knit community of moderate-income housing before outside forces roared through the barricade that was, for a while, at peace with a bridled lion?

Contact Bernie Paquette about the photos for such a project. Thousands of photos are available. 

Shall the personal stories, the history, of the Chamberlin Community remain buried, untold, or will they be brought together, recorded, and shared in remembrance and in lesson?

Friday, January 4, 2019

End Plastic Food Packaging

July 2023 Read How Plastics Are Poisoning Us in the New Yorker. Also, The New Coal: Plastics and Climate Change

Dec 2022 Update: View the status of and support with letters to the US Legislature: Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act 

We need companies to offer us alternatives to plastic packaging.     Ask them to do so. 

Some companies are making progress.

Hi - I love King Arthur products and rely on them for all my baking. One quibble, however: When I bought powdered buttermilk several years ago, it came in paper. My more recent purchase came in plastic. We are trying very hard to eliminate single-use plastic from our home. Any thoughts of going back to paper?
Maeve Kim, Jericho Center VT
Thank you for reaching out to our team about packaging for our products, . We’re glad to know that this topic is as important to you as it is to us!
As an employee-owned company and a founding B Corp, our team takes decisions regarding packaging and packing materials very seriously. From farming practices used out in the field, to packaging, to how we ship products, we want King Arthur’s products to be better for you and gentler on our shared planet.
While technology has yet to provide packaging options that have zero environmental impact, that hardly means there aren’t options worth pursuing. Our team embraces the complexity of many moving pieces that together make up a good strategy for reducing our footprint. This includes balancing packaging material types against offsets, like decreasing the likelihood for breakage during shipping or the ability to better maintain product freshness. When plastic represents what we believe is the best overall option for a given product, we’re being intentional about selecting plastic that is more recyclable where reasonably possible. For instance, all King Arthur specialty flours in the 3lb resealable bags are now recyclable via store drop-off and include clear How2Recyle identification to help customers recognize how they should be disposed of.
We also continue to advance aggressive environmental goals that scope out the next eight years, including increasing the amount of post-consumer recycled content in packaging, updating our packaging to be part of a circular system (which works to eliminate waste from all points in the production system), and transitioning our paper packaging to be deforestation-free. While we advance this work, we’re also keeping a close eye on emerging technologies for compostable packaging and other meaningful advances that make sense to adopt. While usable compostable packaging in the market right now requires the use of special equipment not accessible to most, our team is optimistic that a viable option will appear in the relatively near future.
Additionally, we continue to offer our Signature line of flours (which make up the bulk of our product sales) in paper bags that can be recycled.
Kind regards,

Waste collection is costly, plastic is outpacing fish in our oceans, plastic is accumulating in some of our farmland soils, and plastic is getting absorbed in living tissues; recycling is insufficient, single-use packaging is economically wasteful... Let's tell food companies to curtail if not end plastic food packaging. 

We can't recycle our way out of this crisis, and reduction, not increases in production of plastic especially virgin plastic, needs to be considered.

We need to move past just recycling. Recycled plastic in the ocean is still plastic in the ocean and then in our food, then in our bodies. 

We need companies to offer us alternatives to plastic packaging.

Eggs ship and are sold in biodegradable sustainable containers, why not other food products? Plastic is supposed to be clear - yet when we look at food we see PLASTIC.

Want food without plastic? Your voice is your influence! Express your concern on your favorite food companies contact page. See "Sample Letter" below.

See my correspondence to companies about their use of plastic and their responses further down this post. 


TAKE ACTION. Help influence the food processing companies towards plastic reduction (especially *virgin plastic).

Here are a few of the contact page links:
Foster Farms
General Mills
Kraft / Heinz 
Campbell Soup
Land O'Lakes (Purina)
Post Consumer Brands
Purdue Farms

As Barack Obama often said 
"Are you fired up, are you ready to go?"

Click on - Top 100 food processing companies (list) for the names of more food companies then go to one or more of their websites where you can access their contact page.

 Ask them what they are doing to utilize alternatives to plastic packaging. Ask them to utilize biodegradable and reusable packaging for an ever-lasting earth. Ask them to take responsibility for their products including packaging after their useful life.

Ask them to stop packaging food in and with plastic before we have more plastic than fish in our oceans. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation report on the New Plastics Economy (PDF | 1MB) estimated that by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the world's oceans.

Sample letter
     Hello, I am a consumer of your products. However, I am concerned with the harmful and growing effects of plastic in our environment and in our food supply. Waste collection is costly, plastic is outpacing fish in our oceans, plastic is accumulating in some of our farmland soils, and plastic is getting absorbed in living tissues; recycling is insufficient, single-use packaging is economically wasteful. 

    Would you please let me know what your company is doing to move quickly to sustainable alternatives to plastic for product packaging? How soon will you utilize biodegradable/compostable and or reusable packaging for your food packaging? Will you invest in refill and reuse systems and innovation? Will you invest in closed-loop (infinite recycling) systems (vs take, make, disposable system). What are your targets for reducing the overall amount of *'virgin plastic' packaging used in your business, and products? 

     Captivate our interest and brand loyalty; gain outstanding brand awareness by utilizing sustainable food packaging, minimizing food packaging waste, and ending use of new (virgin) plastic - in addition to supporting increase infrastructure for recycling and composting. Take responsibility for your products after their useful life - including the packaging.

*Over 300 million metric tons of new plastic are produced every year.

Iceland, a U.K.-based chain that specializes in frozen products, is the first supermarket in the world to commit to removing plastic from its own products within five years. According to a recent CBC news article.  

Read about Nude Shopping 'Nude' shopping next big trend.
This Supermarket Has the World's First Plastic-Free Aisle.
Plastic Free Products

Ask your supermarket chain what its target is to reduce the amount of plastic it sells in stores.

Eat your food, and the package too. Natl. Geographic
Excerpt: More conscientious recycling would be a boon, but it's no panacea. Recycling requires energy, water, and the transport of materials. Most recycled plastics get shredded, melted, and reformed into goods-like lumber, fleece, or carpeting-still eventually bound for landfills. Manufacturers continue to make bottles and shrink-wraps ever thinner, but the fact remains: plastics are made from nonrenewable resources, either oil or natural gas, and almost never see a second life.  

Information Links: 

Consumer Reports: How to Eat Less Plastic.
How Canadian and UK grocery stores tackle plastic (And why recycling is not solving our plastic problem) According to Unilever just 14% of the plastic packaging used globally makes its way to recycling plants, a third is left in fragile ecosystems and 40% ends up in a landfill. 

  • Another way to TAKE ACTION:   Greenpeace has launched a new social media campaign targeted at major corporations that use millions of tons of plastic to package their products. "Are you tired of corporations and retailers using throwaway plastic? Tell them!" The organization urges and asks us to join by taking a photo of excessive single-use packaging and sharing it with the hashtag #BreakFreeFromPlastic - and tagging the company responsible for it. 
  • Target - no plan for plastic bag reduction

    Plastic fish are not edible. Save our Oceans & Fish and Farmland. 

                  SAVE OUR EARTH
           Act sustainably

            Enjoy Nature 
             Plant Native plants
              Utilize reusable and biodegradable items

               Write your food co.'s - ask them to:Captivate our interest and loyalty, and gain outstanding brand awareness by utilizing sustainable food packaging.


Read of examples of Alternative Packaging

Latest letter I sent: April 7, 2021
To company selling Lactaid milk: 

Love the Lactaid milk product, despise the plastic packaging it comes in. Please consider using packaging that does not contain plastic. The 64 oz containers of Lactaid would allow for easy accessibility to the product without the plastic screw top on the package. 

Waste collection is costly, plastic is outpacing fish in our oceans, plastic is accumulating in some of our farmland soils, and plastic is getting absorbed in living tissues; recycling is insufficient, single-use packaging is economically wasteful.

Thank. You for your consideration.

Dear Bernard,
Thank you for taking the time to contact us at LACTAID®. We understand how important this matter is.

Like you, we care about the environment, which is why Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc., makers of LACTAID® joined the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, an ambitious effort to create a world in which plastic never becomes waste. We will work to advance innovative packaging solutions that address the root causes of plastic waste and enable us to meet four key goals by the year 2025:

- Drive towards 100% plastic packaging which is reusable, recyclable or compostable via design, partnerships, and investments
- Set an ambitious recycled content target
- Take action to eliminate single-use problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging
- Make steps to move from single-use towards reuse models where relevant

At the moment, our baby and skincare wipes are made of a polyester blend fabric and should not be flushed away or put into bins designed for biodegradable waste. On all the packaging for these products we encourage consumers to dispose of them responsibly.

We are always looking for opportunities to improve on what we’re doing and make our products more environmentally friendly.  At the moment we have a number of global projects underway to improve the sustainability of our wipes and we’re already testing alternative fabrics to find an option that provides the same quality, minus the plastic. Also, we will make sure to share your suggestion with the appropriate department.

We hope this has answered your concerns, please let us know if we can help with anything else.

Bernard, we appreciate you reaching out to us. If you have any comments or questions about our products in the future, please contact us through our website or by phone 1-800-522-8243. Our specialists are available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., ET and will be happy to help you.


Consumer Care Center


1/11 Response from MONDELEZ (Oreos, Ritz....)

We appreciate you visiting our website!We recognize that solid waste is a serious problem in the United States. Food products have special requirements for health and safety: protect integrity of product during shipment and storage, provide tamper evidence, and provide adequate label space. Although not visible to you, we have made significant progress in the last few years in the area of "source reduction," that is using less packaging for each product. In addition, our staff of packaging engineers are trying to devise new methods to further reduce the amount of packaging used. We follow the action plan laid out by the EPA that stresses source reduction (using less packaging), recycling, waste-to-energy incineration, and land filling (as a last resort). Food safety for our consumers is VERY important to us. We must give our primary attention to ensuring the integrity of our products during shipping and storage. We will share your comments with our packaging personnel.

Although most paper products will naturally degrade over a period of time if exposed to the weather, packages that are properly disposed of in modern landfills are not exposed to air, light or water that will allow them to degrade. Plastic packaging material must be specifically designed to degrade. This type of degradable plastic package is not currently allowed for use in food packaging. Material that is designed to degrade may also cause the food contained within it to spoil. Because no packaging readily degrades in modern landfills, we believe degradable packaging has a limited role in helping to solve the solid waste problem.

We use recycled materials whenever feasible in product packaging and in the corrugated boxes we use to ship our products to stores. Certain recycled materials can absorb small amounts of the product they once held, so non-food contamination is a concern when we consider using recycled materials for our food products. We work with our packaging material suppliers to explore options to incorporate recycled content where it is safe to do so.

The majority of our current packaging uses recyclable materials; most paperboard, and all glass and metal and many plastics may be recycled. To determine if packaging is recyclable, check with your local recycling facility to see if they accept the packaging. For more details on recycling programs in your area, I would recommend that you visit the website, or you may call them toll free at 1-800-CLEANUP. If you're interested, I also have a more detailed breakdown of the most common materials we use in creating our packaging to help explain about their recyclability:

Glass: Glass is generally acceptable at recycling centers across the country. If you're unsure whether your local center accepts paperboard, I'd recommend that you get in touch with them.

Metals: The metals we use in our cans and bottles is generally acceptable at recyclingcenters across the country. If you're unsure whether your local center accepts paperboard, I'd recommend that you get in touch with them.

Paper/cardboard: Paper and cardboard (paperboard) is generally acceptable at recyclingcenters across the country. If you're unsure whether your local center accepts paperboard, I'd recommend that you get in touch with them.

Plastics: There are several different types of plastics that we use in our packaging, each of which carries a separate numbered Universal Recycling Code that is stamped on the plastic itself.

By looking for the code, usually found on the bottom of beverage containers and stamped on inner packaging trays, you'll be able to determine what type of plastic it is. The code contains a particular number stamped within the triangle symbol for the Universal Recycling Code. Unfortunately, not all recycling centers are equipped to accept every type of plastic--that's why I'd recommend you check with your local recycling center to find out. Likewise, the inner wrappers or sleeves make of plastic in some of our products are not recyclable unless they have a stamp with the Universal Recycling Code.

Again, thank you for contacting us and we hope you'll continue to enjoy our products.

Consumer Services
Mondelēz International
Ref: Case # S-10446202  

1/11 Response from Hormel Foods Corp. (Hormel Pepperoni, Dinty Moore, Homel Chili...)
Mr. Paquette,
Thank you for contacting us.  Please visit:


Consumer Engagement Specialist
Ref # 3055768'

Our Goals
We are committed to achieving the following environmental goals by 2020:
  • Reduce nonrenewable energy use by 10 percent;
  • Reduce water use by 10 percent;
  • Reduce solid waste sent to landfills by 10 percent;
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent; and
  • Reduce 25 million pounds of product packaging.
1/11 Response from Foster Farms (Fresh Chicken)
Thank you for contacting us at Foster Farms.

For many years, Foster Farms has been researching and developing a variety of new packaging options with our goals being to maintain sufficient package strength and integrity to withstand the commercial distribution process; while minimizing energy usage and waste volume through lighter weight and more compact materials with improved biodegradability properties; along with elimination of the need for consumers to re-wrap chicken for freezer storage.  One very important ecological result may be the eventual discontinued use of Styrofoam trays and soaker pads for our chicken parts.  In communities where energy recovery facilities exist, this packaging material is a clean source of high BTU fuel.

Foster Farms will continue to pursue new packaging options that are in the best interest of our consumers and which minimize environmental impact through energy, material and space savings.  We appreciate your valuable comments and have shared them with our Marketing and Quality Control Departments.

We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to contact us.

Best Regards,

Abby Quinn
Consumer Affairs Representative
Foster Farms

Reference #: 000069712A

1/11 Response from General Mills (Cheerios, Pillsbury, Betty Crocker...)
Thank you for contacting General Mills.
General Mills has a long-standing commitment to our consumers to produce safe, high-quality products. As a company with more than 100,000 employees, we’re also strongly concerned about the health of our environment.

We use recycled materials to package our products whenever possible. Currently, ninety-eight percent of our dry food products are packaged in recycled materials. We display recycling codes on our packages to encourage consumers to recycle the materials that are accepted by their local community recycling programs.

The recycle symbol is owned and governed by the Plastics Industry. It was designed to provide information about the kinds of materials that are contained within a particular package and that it can be recycled.

Because recycling programs are handled at the local level, we encourage you to contact your local city council for additional information. We realize that many communities are just beginning to develop recycling programs for their residents and they may not be able to accommodate all the materials that can be recycled. With this in mind, our policy is to use packaging materials that are not toxic when burned or buried in landfills.

We share your concerns about the environment and we’re continually looking for environmentally-safe packaging.
Your views are important to us. Be assured that your comments will be forwarded to the appropriate persons here at General Mills. Again, thank you for contacting us, and thank you for your support of our products.
Brian McCall
Consumer Relations Representative

1/12 Response from Kraft / Heinz Foods (Velvetta, Oscar Myer, ...)
Thank you for visiting and for your interest in Kraft Foods.
It's always good to get confirmation from our consumers that they're also concerned about the impact of packaging materials on the environment. You can rest assured that I'll let our Packaging Team know you took the time to contact us about this important issue.

We always strive to provide the best quality food products to people at a minimal impact to our environment. We make sure to follow the guidelines of United States Environmental Protection Agency (the EPA) which recommends using less packaging, encourages recycling, and advocates waste-to-energy incineration.

I'd like to assure you that our products now use less packaging materials than in the past and whenever possible, we're reducing the weight of our packaging so less energy is consumed in the shipment of products to retail stores.

We've taken steps to use recycled paperboard wherever possible, and all of the glass and metal--along with much of our plastic--is recyclable.

We can all be happy that the number of recycling facilities capable of accepting materials is growing, and that helps everyone accomplish the task of reducing solid waste.

If you haven't done so already, please add our site to your favorites and visit us again soon!

Rama Rengarajan
Director, Consumer Relations

~~Case: 82030923~~N
1/12 Response from Coca-Cola
Thank you for contacting The Coca-Cola Company, Mr. Paquette.  We appreciate your interest in our Company.
Our vision is to eventually bring to market plastic bottles that are made with 100 percent renewable raw materials and are still fully recyclable, just as existing PET bottles are.  We also are working with partners to advance technologies to allow us to use other plant materials for future generations of the PlantBottle packaging.  Ultimately, our goal is to develop recyclable plastic bottles made from plant-based waste –turning waste into a resource. 
Should you have additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact us again.

Please use the record number below should you have additional questions.


1/12 Response from Unilever (Bryers, Dove, Hellman's...)

Thank you for contacting Unilever.

We believe there has never been a better time to create a better future for our children; the world where everyone has enough food to eat and no child goes to bed hungry. Where every child lives to their fifth birthday and has the right to a happy childhood. Where every home has enough water to drink and to wash, cook and clean. And where everybody can enjoy life today while protecting the planet for future generations. Unilever Bright Future is a platform that helps unite and amplify the efforts of a growing community of people who believe it is possible to build the world where everyone lives well and lives sustainably. Who recognize we can only achieve this if we all work together to do small actions every day that makes a real difference. And who inspire others to join us in making this the way everyone chooses to live. See how unilever is working to create a brighter future at

We hope this information helps. Should you need further assistance in the future please do not hesitate to contact us again.


Unilever Corporate Consumer Services


Excerpts from the Unilever site
Every minute – less than the time it will take you to read this section – the equivalent of one rubbish truck of plastic is leaking into streams and rivers, ultimately ending up in the sea. Just 14% of the plastic packaging used globally makes its way to recycling plants, a third is left in fragile ecosystems and 40% ends up in landfill.1
As a consumer goods company, we’re acutely aware of the causes and consequences of the linear “take-make-dispose” model. And we want to change it. Moving away from the linear model of consumption is a key priority in achieving UN Sustainable Development Goal 12 – Sustainable Consumption & Production.
The business case is clear. Plastic packaging waste represents an $80 billion loss to the global economy every year. The benefits of the circular economy approach are clear for business and the environment – the more effective use of materials means lower costs and less waste. It means new sources of value for customers and consumers, better risk management of raw materials, and improved approaches to the supply chain.

The waste pillar of our Unilever Sustainable Living Plan contributes primarily to two of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Responsible Consumption & Production (SDG 12) and Life Below Water (SDG 14).

Our strategy

Our refreshed strategy commits us to accelerate our efforts towards a circular economy. Materials can be regenerated and constantly flow round a ‘closed loop’ system, rather than being used once and then discarded. This includes how we manage and use packaging waste once the consumer has finished with it.
In January 2017, we committed to ensuring that 100% of our plastic packaging will be designed to be fully reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025.

Read more on their web site listed above in the response note.

A call to action

At Davos 2018, Unilever announced four key actions the consumer goods industry should take to create the systemic change required and accelerate the transition to a circular economy:

  1. For companies to invest in innovation towards new delivery models that promote reuse.

  2. For more companies to commit to 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable packaging by 2025 and set stretching targets for using post-consumer recycled content.

  3. For a Global Plastics Protocol setting commonly agreed definitions and industry standards on what materials are put into the marketplace, to ensure our packaging is compatible with existing and cost-effective recycling infrastructures.

  4. For companies to engage positively in policy discussions with governments on the need for improvements to waste management infrastructure, including the implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility schemes.

1/13/2019 Response from Nestle (Libby's, Nescafe, Haagen Dazs...)

Thanks for reaching out to us with your concerns about packaging. At Nestlè® USA, we recognize our need and responsibility to actively address environmental concerns. Our ultimate environmental goal is to ensure that our company is doing its part responsibly and playing a leadership role in helping to preserve the environment.

Your request to reduce the amount of plastics used will be passed on to our team. Most of our packaging is recyclable. For more information on this, please respond with the brand and product in question so that we can provide the recycling codes and information. 

For complete information regarding our environmental policy please visit:

If we can help in any other way, reach back out. 

Karen Black
Nestlé Brand Ambassador


1/15/2019 Press release: Nestle accelerates action to tackle plastic waste.
1/14/2019 Response from Hershey (Hershey's, Reese's Swizzler...) 

Thank you for contacting The Hershey Company.

The Hershey Company is proud of its record of conducting business in a manner that reflects our social responsibility to protect our resources.  Our corporation has developed and implemented a philosophy and a set of environmental principles under which our business is conducted:

"We believe that we have an obligation to protect and preserve the environment for ourselves, our children and for future generations.  We will continue to conduct our business activities in a manner which does not adversely affect the environment and which protects the health and safety of our employees, our consumers and the communities in which we operate."

The following principles help to ensure that our business is conducted in an environmentally sound manner:

1. Operate our facilities in a manner which does not adversely affect the environment  and which protects the health and safety of the public and our employees;
2. Produce, package and sell products which are safe and which minimize environmental impacts;
3. Conserve natural resources, minimize the creation of waste, recycle materials and dispose of all remaining waste through safe and responsible methods; and,
4. Participate with government and others in creating responsible laws, regulations and policies to help safeguard the environment.

Many parts of our packaging and shipping materials can be recycled where appropriate facilities exist. These include: foil, glass, 6-pack trays, folding cartons, corrugated shipping cases, plastic containers and lids.

Some of our recyclable packaging materials are marked with the triangular recycle symbol and/or state they are recyclable, to help you in sorting and recycling packaging. However, we have not yet labeled all recyclable materials.

Your interest in our company is appreciated.

Consumer Representative

Reference Number: 009971406A

1/14/2019 Response from MillerCoors
Thank you for contacting MillerCoors.

We appreciate your interest in our products.  Please visit our website and click on sustainability for more information.  Here is the site for Packaging and Recycling at  We hope this information is helpful.

Thanks again for contacting MillerCoors.

MillerCoors Consumer Affairs Department
Ref: Case#N22423540
1/14/2019 Response from Smithfield
Thank you for contacting us. Through our industry-leading sustainability program, we are constantly seeking ways to lessen our impact on the environment. You can find more information on this topic in our recent Sustainability Report, which provides details on initiatives to reduce packaging and, in turn, our carbon footprint.

Best regards,

Diana Souder
Director, Corporate Communications & Public Relations
p: (757) 357-1675
200 Commerce St.
Smithfield, VA 23430
1/14/2019 Response from Campbell Soup

Thank you for contacting us about recycling the packaging in our products.

Like you, we know that the small choices we make, such as the packaging we use, can make a big difference over time. We are working toward a goal of deriving 100 percent of our global packaging materials from sustainable sources - that is, materials that are renewable, recyclable, or contain recycled content - by 2020.

Of course, recycling is subject to local guidelines, so we suggest you contact your local authority to confirm that any packaging is acceptable for recycling in your area.

In addition, you can visit and to find information about curbside recycling and drop-off recycling options in your area.

Much of our product packaging is typically recyclable; here are some examples:
    • Cans: All of our cans and labels are 100% recyclable. (Our steel cans used for our soups, chilis, beans, canned poultry and pasta products contain approximately 30% recycled steel, and our aluminum cans used across our beverage line contain more than 70% recycled aluminum.)

    • Cartons: Our cartons are recyclable where facilities exist as they are made using different layers that currently cannot be separated at traditional recycling facilities.   Check at to check your local

    • Glass Jars: Our glass jars, along with their labels and lids, are 100% recyclable.  The glass can be recycled endlessly without loss in quality or purity. (Our glass jars used for our Pregoand Pace products contain approximately 20% recycled glass.)

    • Plastic juice beverage bottles: The plastic bottles are recyclable and are made from recycled materials.  The cap and plastic label are not typically recyclable.

    • SpaghettiOs: The steel cans used in our traditional SpaghettiOs products are recyclable, and also contain 30 percent recycled steel.

    • SpaghettiOs MicrOs microwavable pasta: The outer cardboard sleeve is recyclable, but the plastic trays are not.

    • V8 Protein drink bottles: The bottles, labels and caps are not typically recyclable.

    • Campbell Sauces: Our sauces are packed in convenient, space-saving flexible pouches.  They are not recyclable due to the type of plastic we use.

I hope I've been able to answer your question. Please contact our Consumer Response Center at 800-257-8443 or visit Campbell Soup Company website if you have any additional questions.

Thank you for visiting the Campbell Soup Company website.

Tracy R.
Consumer Advocate
Consumer Response Center
1/14/2019 Response from Land O'Lakes
Thank you for visiting the Land O'Lakes Website and taking the time to contact us.  We will share your comments with our team.

Our website below has information on our current environmental efforts.

We hope you will continue to use and enjoy LAND O LAKES® products. Please let us know if we can be of assistance in the future. If you need to respond to this email, please use the "Reply" button.


Land O'Lakes Consumer Affairs

Case: 2209422
1/14/2019 Response from Post Consumer Brands (Alph-bits, Raisin Bran, Pebbles...)
Thank you for your email message regarding the recyclability of our packages. We appreciate hearing from our customers as comments such as yours help us to plan and produce a better product.

When it comes to the packaging of our products, our first priority is to provide consumers with safe and fresh products. Our box cartons are 100% recyclable. We also use polyethylene liners to protect our food during distribution. Unfortunately, this poly liner material is not recyclable.

You may also be interested to know that we take environmental issues very seriously. We are committed to the use of renewable energy. We have active programs in place to reduce energy consumption and minimize water use. We also work with our suppliers, the government and the community to continuously search for ways to improve our own recycling efforts.

Thank you again for contacting us. We hope this information answers your questions.

Post Consumer Brands

Email: To reply to this email click here 
Phone: 1-800-431-7678
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Reference Number: 001304495A
1/14/2019 Response from Purdue Farms (Purdue, Coleman...)
Thank you for your recent e-mail.
The majority of packaging materials for Perdue products are recyclable, but unfortunately, this does not solve the problem. The problem lies in the method for recycling. At present, recycling centers are not available everywhere. Perdue Farms would like to give the consumer recyclable packaging materials, as well as directions for recycling. Please rest assured that these environmental issues have not gone unnoticed by Perdue. We will continue to research the problems, and we hope you will continue to purchase and enjoy PERDUE® poultry.

Should you have further questions or concerns, please call or TEXT us at 1-800-473-7383. We are available and happy to assist Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM ET (6:00 AM to 3:30 PM PT). You may also e-mail or CHAT us at

Kindest regards,

Consumer Relations

1/15/2019 Response from Smucker's (Crisco, Smucker's Jiff...)
Thanks for contacting us regarding Smucker's®. We greatly appreciate your interest in our Company and products.
To learn about Our Company's focused areas of giving, sustainability reports, responsible sourcing practices and more, please view our Corporate Responsibility Report at  Please be assured that we will forward your feedback to the appropriate teams.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to visit us at or give us a call at 888-550-9555.

Consumer Relations Representative
Ref # 13327528
1/15/2019 Response from Dannon (Dannon, Silk...)
Thank you for contacting the Dannon Company, Inc. We sincerely appreciate your interest in our products.

As always, we appreciate your interest in our products and are always available to answer any questions or concerns that you have. We are pleased with your interest in our products. If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, now or in the future, please feel free to contact us at 1-877-DANNON-US (1-877-326-6668), Monday through Friday, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Eastern Time.
Have a healthy day!

Lisa Moore
Danone Wave
1/15/2019 Response from Conagra(Healthy Choice, Peter Pan ...)
Thank you for your email.  Your comments are extremely valuable, and they help us make the food you love even better.  We invite you to view our Corporate Social Responsibility Report which can be found on our website -

Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.

Consumer Care Specialist
Conagra Brands
Case: 63985472
1/18/2019 Response from Saputo (cheese...)
Thank you for contacting Saputo Cheese USA Inc. regarding your concerns.  I assure you we take our responsibility as a corporate citizen very seriously.  There is even a section on our website that talks about our promise to demonstrate good corporate citizenship in all we do.  We encourage you to take a look at this for our areas of focus.  

1/21/2019 Response from Schreiber Foods (Dairy)
Thank you for your inquiry regarding plastic and sustainable packaging solutions. Schreiber Foods Inc. has a comprehensive approach to our sustainability efforts. For more information on our efforts please see our companies responsibility report that includes information on our sustainability efforts at 


Katie Wesolowski | Consumer Relations Specialist | Schreiber Foods
T +1 800-644-5473 | 920-455-2100|